dbAutoMaker is the collective name for a framework of Perl scripts designed to automate the process of creating a local database with data extracted from online database resources.
dbAutoMaker is designed to automatically:
- Download data files from online resources
- Decompress data files if required
- Convert data files to a format compatible for a database if required
- Import the data files into a database
Configuration files are included for generating customised SNP databases, for use by FunctSNP, for the following species:
It is also possible to generate customised SNP databases for other species in dbSNP. More ...
Development Team
dbAutomaker was developed by the systems genetics group of CSIRO Livestock Industries with input from the University of New England (UNE).
Primary Developers
- Mr Stephen J. Goodswen - UTS PhD candidate
- Dr Nathan S. Watson-Haigh - AWRI
- Dr Cedric Gondro - UNE
- Prof. Haja N. Kadarmideen - University of Copenhagen
Citation Details
If you use dbAutomaker, please acknowledge the work of its authors by using the following reference:
Goodswen, S.J. et al. (2010) FunctSNP: an R package to link SNPs to functional knowledge and dbAutoMaker: a suite of Perl scripts to build SNP databases. BMC Bioinformatics, 11:311. [DOI:10.1186/1471-2105-11-311]